
EXHIBIT — Making it in NYC, BLDG 92




 Bldg 92 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard commissioned SITU to create an installation titled Making It In NYC; the New Era of Manufacturing. The exhibit highlights the work of influential local designers who represent the larger ‘maker movement’ phenomenon

Bldg 92 at the Brooklyn Navy Yard commissioned SITU to create an installation titled Making It In NYC; the New Era of Manufacturing. The exhibit highlights the work of influential local designers who represent the larger ‘maker movement’ phenomenon taking place across the country. SITU played the role of both curator and exhibit designer; working directly with museum representatives. Dividing the movement into key industry groups allowed for a diverse array of makers, and the exhibit ultimately narrows down 30 local businesses that best represent this movement across these industries.

 Working together SITU Studio and SITU Fabrication, we were able to create a flexible ‘plug in’ interchangeable system of Alucobond panels, which support the content of the exhibit. The fronts of the panels were milled with perforations and display t

Working together SITU Studio and SITU Fabrication, we were able to create a flexible ‘plug in’ interchangeable system of Alucobond panels, which support the content of the exhibit. The fronts of the panels were milled with perforations and display text. The backs of these typically flat facade panels, were scored with a mill to create precise hexogonal folding patterns. This folding process created rigid display pieces that fluctuates in and out of the wall and cradle specific objects, which visitors can directly interact with.

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